Espaces de travail UNBL
What are UNBL workspaces?
We recognize that national data is often higher quality and better suited to countries’ needs for decision-making, monitoring, and reporting. UNBL offers free workspaces to stakeholders who need a secure area to access and use spatial data. Our workspaces can serve as a common data repository, offer a collaborative work environment, and enable you to calculate dynamic indicators for a subnational or transboundary area of interest.
We encourage users to explore how UNBL workspaces can help you to build communities of practice to transform data to action.
What does a workspace provide?
Our UNBL workspaces offer the ability to:
- Manage membership and privileges in your secure workspace at the click of a button
- Upload regional, national, or local data layers to a secure UN server
- Upload shapes for any area of interest such as your official national boundary, a transboundary area, or a sub-national area
- Visualize your data in combination with any of UNBL’s global data layers
- View dynamic indicators for your area of interest
- Download maps, screen shots, and use the raw data for inclusion in official reports and communication products
Who can request a workspace?
Our UNBL workspaces are available to groups from national governments, UN agencies, academic institutions, Indigenous Peoples and local communities, and NGOs working on issues related to biodiversity, climate change, and sustainable development.
Requesting a workspace is simple – just fill in the form below, and our team will respond to you as quickly as possible.
Request a UNBL workspace
If you are interested in a UNBL workspace, please start by registering for an account (see instructions ici). Then, fill in the form below, and our team will respond to you as quickly as possible. Please note that due to commercial use restrictions we cannot create workspaces at this time for private sector institutions.