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Lea Phillips

Senior Biodiversity and Spatial Planning Analyst – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Lea Phillips is a Senior Biodiversity Policy Coordinator who provides key implementation support on the the Global Biodiversity Framework Early Action Support Project. Since 2020, she has worked closely with UNDP Country Offices across the globe to hold high-impact stakeholder consultations on spatial data and national biodiversity planning. In 2022, her role grew to also encompass the development and delivery of high-impact guidance and tools to support national-level achievement of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.

Experiencia y conocimientos previos

Antes de incorporarse al PNUD, Lea Phillips trabajó como Coordinadora del Programa de Desarrollo de la Juventud en el Cuerpo de Paz de Marruecos. Durante esta experiencia formativa, Lea co-creó programas en torno a la salud, el género y el medio ambiente con los líderes locales. Tiene una Maestría en Economía Política Internacional y Desarrollo por la Universidad de Fordham, con énfasis en el desarrollo sostenible. Es Licenciada en Estudios Teatrales con una especialización en Estudios de Género. Lea domina el árabe marroquí y está disfrutando de la oportunidad de desarrollar su competencia en español a través del trabajo con las oficinas del PNUD en América Latina.

Recent Work by Lea Phillips

Lea Phillips led the development of the Áreas Esenciales para el Soporte de la Vida - ELSA, an official UNDP publication that shows how nations can develop ‘Maps of Hope’ that indicate where to protect, manage, and restore ecosystems to meet their unique goals. She has lead in the production of the Integrated Spatial Planning Massive Open Online Course, which was launched in parallel with the workbook. Other publications and communications products include Nature is Counting on Us (UNDP publication), Mapping Hope – Nature for Climate (UNDP Costa Rica photo essay), Putting spatial planning on the map: How high-ambition countries are achieving nature and climate goals (SPACES policy brief),  Putting nature on the map (UNDP blog), From ‘untouchables’ to internationally recognized farmers (SDG Integration Article).