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Вероника Рекондо
Our team ← Back to all members Veronica Recondo Environmental Technical Analyst – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Veronica Recondo is an Environmental Technical Analyst for UNDP’s Global Programme on Nature for Development. Working in English, Spanish and Portuguese, she supports the implementation of nature based planning and mapping initiatives, including Essential Life Support Areas…
Читать дальшеЛуизмар де Ассис Барриос
Our team ← Back to all members Luizmar de Assis Barrios Spatial Data Analyst – UNDP Luizmar supports the ELSA project in spatial data analysis to provide inputs for policy briefs and management recommendations from ELSA actions (Protect, Manage and Restore) for pilot countries. Among other duties, he processes and modifies national data to produce…
Читать дальшеКасандра Ллоса Монтань
Our team ← Back to all members Casandra Llosa Montagne Stakeholder Engagement Analyst – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Casandra Llosa works as a stakeholder engagement analyst for the UNDP Global Programme on Nature for Development, supporting implementation of spatial support projects, such as ELSA and NASA Life on Land Project, mainly in Spanish speaking…
Читать дальшеДаниэль Перес
Our team ← Back to all members Daniel Pérez Website Specialist, Global Programme on Nature for Development – UNDP Daniel is a database and web specialist focused on online Information Management Systems (IMS) and e-learning platforms. He’s responsible for responding to the UNDP Global Programme on Nature for Development’s digital needs, by implementing best practices…
Читать дальшеОскар Вентер
Our team ← Back to all members Jamison Ervin Manager of Nature for Development Program – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Jamison Ervin manages the Nature for Development team of UNDP, with the goal of putting nature at the heart of sustainable development. She provides overall project vision and leadership on the Mapping Nature…
Читать дальшеРичярд Сшустер
Our team ← Back to all members Jamison Ervin Manager of Nature for Development Program – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Jamison Ervin manages the Nature for Development team of UNDP, with the goal of putting nature at the heart of sustainable development. She provides overall project vision and leadership on the Mapping Nature…
Читать дальшеНина Канчева
Our team ← Back to all members Nina Kantcheva Senior Policy Adviser, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLC) Engagemen – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) As a Senior Policy Adviser on Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Engagement, Nina works to determine how UN Biodiversity Lab can be useful to IPLCs and how to support them…
Читать дальшеЭнрике Паниагуа
Our team ← Back to all members Enrique Paniagua Policy Expert – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Enrique is advising the Nature for Development Programme, specially the Essential Life Support Area (ELSA) project, on translating scientific data into actionable policy frameworks at global and national level. Conducting policy analysis, creating policy documents, advising national authorities,…
Читать дальшеНиколь ДеСантис
Our team ← Back to all members Nicole DeSantis Policy Advisor, Nature-based Solutions – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Nicole is working with the project Mapping Nature for People and Planet to translate Essential Life Support Area (ELSA) maps and spatial insights into tangible policy actions for decision makers, with the aim to support countries…
Читать дальшеMarie Tremolet
Our team ← Back to all members Marie Tremolet Nature-based Solutions and Policy Analyst – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Marie Trémolet coordinates the policy work for the project Mapping Nature for People and Planet and executes the policy analysis to identify the priority nature-based policy commitments that will guide the analysis of Essential Life…
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