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Ди Жанг
Our team ← Back to all members Di Zhang Spatial Planning & Biodiversity Expert – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Di is a Spatial Planning & Biodiversity Expert with the Global Programme on Nature for Development, UNDP. She provides key implementation support to a broad range of spatial activities across the Mapping Nature for People…
Читать дальшеСкотт Консаул Аткинсон
Our team ← Back to all members Scott Consaul Atkinson Technical Specialist, United Nations Development Programme – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Scott Consaul Atkinson manages, processes and curates data received by countries for the Essential Life Support Areas (ELSA) analysis, filling in gaps with globally consistent data where national data is unavailable. He also…
Читать дальшеКристина Супплс
Our team ← Back to all members Christina Supples Senior Advisor on Biodiversity Policy, Projects, and Science – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Christina is a leader in building the capacity of governments around the globe to use science and data to improve achievement of their global policy commitments for nature, climate, and sustainable development.…
Читать дальшеAnne Virnig
Our team ← Back to all members Anne Virnig Strategic Advisor on Science and Policy – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Annie manages and provides scientific, technical, and communications expertise to a range of projects focused on conservation, local sustainable development, and spatial planning. She co-leads the development and implementation of UNDP’s work to map…
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Our team ← Back to all members Jamison Ervin Manager of Nature for Development Program – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Jamison Ervin manages the Nature for Development team of UNDP, with the goal of putting nature at the heart of sustainable development. She provides overall project vision and leadership on the Mapping Nature…
Читать дальшеДжеймисон Эрвин
Our team ← Back to all members Jamison Ervin Manager of Nature for Development Programme – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Jamison Ervin manages the Nature for Development team of UNDP, with the goal of putting nature at the heart of sustainable development. She provides overall project vision and leadership on the Mapping Nature…
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