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Marion Marigo

Stakeholder Engagement Coordinator for Spatial Planning – United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Marion Marigo is responsible for designing and successfully implementing spatial planning activities through the effective engagement of national stakeholders. Marion is responsible for the implementation of the project “Mapping Nature for People and Planet” in 13 countries, and explores upcoming opportunities to enhance national decision making through the use of scientific data. Working in English, French and Spanish, Marion’s responsibilities include: identifying and liaising with national counterparts, following the principles of a whole-of-society approach; coordinating efforts and activities with the science and policy teams; organizing and facilitating stakeholder consultations and follow-up activities; leading communication and promotional pieces; supervising logistical and administrative aspects of the project; and continuously exploring new streams of work to sustain and improve project outcomes and products over time. She also supports the development and use of UN Biodiversity Lab by Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Marion is also the coordinator for the GEF-funded Global Biodiversity Framework – Early Action Support (GBF-EAS) project, ensuring that Parties to the CBD take early action to align their national biodiversity targets on the newly adopted Kunming-Montreal GBF.

Previous experience and expertise

Marion has been working within the United Nations for five years, including over 4 years with UNDP. Previously, Marion was a Technical Expert, providing support to all GEF-eligible countries to produce 64 high quality, data-driven and gender-responsive Sixth National Reports to the CBD. In this role, she produced a robust gender analysis and online course on gender and biodiversity, and extensively supported Parties to increase the use of spatial data for monitoring and reporting purposes. As a result of this work, the UNDP team has become an essential and reliable institutional partner to be further consulted in ongoing and future projects. Marion also previously worked with UNESCO in India, where she focused on the climate-migration nexus, bringing a gender lens to related activities and analyses. Marion received her Masters from the University of Melbourne, Australia, and the Université Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne, France.

Recent work 

Marion Marigo’s recent works include the following: