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Daniel Pérez

Website Specialist, Global Programme on Nature for Development – UNDP

Daniel is a database and web specialist focused on online Information Management Systems (IMS) and e-learning platforms. He’s responsible for responding to the UNDP Global Programme on Nature for Development’s digital needs, by implementing best practices to assure the highest ICT standards. Daniel has been working with UNDP since 2010, and his experience, both in country offices and UN Head Quarters, makes him better understand how to use information and communication technologies to create innovative solutions that help accelerate sustainable development.

Previous experience and expertise

Since early 2010, Daniel has been working with UNDP supporting country offices in Latin America (Dominican Republic and Bolivia) and Southern Africa (Lesotho), currently working at UNDP HQ (New York).

In addition to UNDP, Daniel supported other UN agencies, such ILO, as well as private sector companies in the area of digital banking and data security.

Recent work 

Daniel’s recent works include the following: